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Buying Procedure

Rules and Regulations about buying property in Turkey
For the moment, all overseas nationals are subject to a clearance by the Turkish military authorities before being allowed to proceed with any purchase. This is to establish that the land/property is not in a militarily sensitive area, and that the individual is considered as suitable to own real estate in Turkey. Designation of land suitable for overseas purchasers is expected to be determined at by Land Registry Offices, based on information supplied by the military.
 countries are allowed to buy: England, Ireland, Germany, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, USA, Spain, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Australia, France, Greece, Portugal, Poland, Croatia, Israel, Finland, Estonia, Hungary and Russia.

How do we progress?

After having chosen your new home you will sign a contract with Esila. This contract is legally binding and both sides can take action everywhere in Europe. European inheritance rules apply to the property from the signature date.
Then Esila team member will take you to the tax office in Manavgat and you will get a tax registration number which is needed for the Title Deed (TAPU) and for the bank account if you would like to open one
We will also go with you to an authorized solicitor in Manavgat, Side who will translate your passport copy and afterwards to the notary to confirm the translation
We will inform you that all the documents has been transferred on your name and you can come to Side and sign the Title Deed
Congratulations, you are the legal owner of the property and you can rent it or sell it again
Esila staff will assist you to get the new subscriptions for electric and water and register your property to the local council of Side. You have now exactly the same rights and responsibilities like a Turkish citizen.
Important to know about buying a property
Due to the constitutional laws and regulations the completion of the registration takes  approximately 3 months in Turkey
You should consider one half day time for the tax office, bank, translation and notary and if you are coming to Side to sign your Title Deed we need again at least one day to complete the paperwork and one day to apply for electricity and water subscriptions.
You will need your passport and six passport sized photographs


This is a copy of the Title Deed ( Tapu)

Esila Tic. İnş. Taah. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
E-mail : / Turkey Office Phone : 0090 242 753 54 23 / Gsm : 0090 532 408 2925